Kaia's Blog
I viewed and read the Intrepid Teacher's blog, Kaia's blog and Mr. Chamberlain's class blog. It was interesting to see the wonderful comments left on the voice thread by Mr. Chamberlain's students. It was an excellent presentation for Kaia and others to view. I cannot imagine how this will follow her throughout her life. There could be many classes all over the world following her blog. I can only think of her writing skills as she grows up and continues the blog. What better way to sharpen her writing skills but with real life experiences. I'm sure her father will continue with her blog as a documentation of her young life growing up. Hopefully Kaia will take over with the writing when she is old enough.
Mr. Chamberlain's class in Missouri followed Kaia's blog, created and maintained by her father in Qatar. Many students commented on Kaia's blog. Seeing as Kaia could not read yet, Kaia's dad Skyped Mr. Chamberlain's class and asked that his class send a voice thread or video for Kaia to view. Mr. Chamberlain's class responded with a voice thread of comments and pictures Kaia took. Kaia's father has his own blog, Singing Hearts Intrepid Teacher, where he writes his thoughts and feelings of having his daughter's pictures and life online.
It will be interesting to see if Kaia's father continues with her blog and whether Kaia will pick up writing on the blog as she gets older.
Comments4Kids Week 12
I was assigned to comment on Pt England School's Team 1 Rock Stars blog. It is a group of 5 year old students' artwork and writing. I was assigned to the March blog, number 38 down. It was a drawing of the student viewing a giraffe at the zoo with a brief description. I commented to him and the teacher that I agreed with the teacher's comment on Angelo's description of the giraffe. He described it as ..."a beautiful, elegant walker". I was very much impressed by this student's wording for such a young age.
I agree with you. I think that it is a awesome way to document her life growing up and that it's also a great way to sharpen her writing skills. I hope she continues the blog too!