Thursday, March 11, 2010

Internet Tools in EDM310 Survey

My Survey on Internet Tools in EDM310
Please click here to take the survey if you are in or have been in EDM310 and have not taken my survey. Thanks!
Click here for a summary of the results on my survey on internet tools in EDM310. Use your Gmail account to view.
My survey was specifically for EDM310 students. I was curious to know what tools were used before EDM310 and if students would continue to use these tools after EDM310. I had 29 responses as of this writing. My first question was which search engine was used the most. Just as I had expected the majority answered Google (83%). Sixty-nine percent (69%) answered no to using Gmail before EDM310, which surprised me, as I've been using Gmail for several years. Only 14% used Google Docs before EDM310. Of the 14% that used Google Docs, 33% created documents in Google Docs and 67% have created and uploaded documents in Google Docs. When searching for clipart and images 54% searched through Google and 36% used Google and Microsoft clip art, while 11% used some other search engine for images. YouTube is used rarely (52%), while 14% use it everyday and 28% use YouTube about once a week. The majority of YouTube videos viewed were music (59%) and comedy (55%), while 21% did not view YouTube videos (other than required EDM310 videos). Ten percent or less viewed documentaries, educational or other type videos. Only 14% have used Picassa before EDM310 and 41% say they will continue to use Picassa after EDM310. Lastly, 76% said they have definitely learned about new tools and programs in EDM310 that will be useful to them in the future.

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